Eastside Spring Show

Linwood Arts Eastside Gallery

28 August –  23 September 2023 


I was very pleased to be part of the Eastside Spring Show. It’s provided an opportunity to scale up to some larger paintings and proved to be a very rewarding challenge in the process.

These works are a little like a voyage through an imaginary terrain – an expedition featuring moments of respite and conflict. At times I’ve felt like the explorer, at others, the cartographer, mapping relationships between components grounded in observation, yet obscured in a way that I hope will encourage curiosity and reflection. 

From sun drenched shorelines to unrelenting native bush, this land of the long white cloud is my go-to place, my familiar korowai, worn with pride while being a constant source of inspiration.


Where the wild things go

August 2023

Where the wild things go

Open acrylic paint, gold leaf and ink on stretched cotton canvas. Finished with cold wax. Inset oak framing.
Framed 1240 x 940mm

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Over hill and down dale

August 2023

Over hill and down dale

Open acrylic paint and gold leaf on stretched cotton canvas. Finished with cold wax.
1170 x 910 mm

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In the rosy light of day

August 2023

In the rosy light of day

Open acrylic paint on stretched cotton canvas. Finished with cold wax.
1170 x 910 mm

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Resting place

August 2023

Resting place

Open acrylic paint and gold leaf on stretched cotton canvas. Finished with cold wax. Inset white frame.
1050 x 790 mm
price TBC 

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